During this year I have learned a lot about programming and myself. At the beginning of my journey, I wasn't sure about what I wanted to do with programming. As time passing, I got an interest in Web Development and started learning about it in my free time (which was low thanks to college).
In 2022 I took my first real courses about web dev. I started with some FreeCodeCamp courses like the HTML and JavaScript one (didn't finish the Js one) and they were good for the beginning. Then, in college I met a young web developer. He is my same age and has been working as a web developer for a year or two. He has become my mentor in my web dev journey.
We have been talking a lot ever since and he advised me to start learning React.js with the help of a Udemy Course. After binging it during the summer break I managed to learn much more than what I expected and used the course and my new knowledge to build a Full-Stack MERN Application for my college project.
What learning web dev really is
Before starting the course I was hesitant because I was nervous that it would just be another period of my life where I would be watching lots of tutorials and not learn anything. I always saw online that the best way to learn to program is by just starting a project and going on your own. But I was never able to pull that off.
So I trusted my friend and bought the course (cheap as hell thanks to a code he gave me), and for a while, I was worried I wasn't learning. So I went and tried to build something on my own and test my learning. Every time I wanted to do something and I wasn't sure what to do, I turned to the projects I made following the course. This pattern repeated so many times that I figured out the biggest value(for me) of a Udemy Course.
Udemy courses are just example projects
And you use these projects to rely on and help yourself when you want to build something on your own. Because turns out that a lot of what coding is is just copying another guy's code and adapting it to your needs.
Anyways I hope I keep blogging because apparently, it's good for learning, networking and (as far as I can see) improving writing and typing skills. :)
console.log('Hello world!');